W08 FAML300 Beware of Pride

Beware of Pride… I don’t like the saying, but it is true.  I have never before thought of myself as being prideful.  I have (and still do) see myself as a wife that is proud of her husband and a mother who is very proud of her children.  But is that what it speaks ofContinue reading “W08 FAML300 Beware of Pride”

Week 2: Marriage Trends; Divorce: Make marriage work 

For this semester, I have an assignment to write each week about marriage. I wish that I could say that I could write more than once a week, but as you can see from the lack of recent posts, school is taking up most of my free time.  “Hey, I’m a busy lady,” is myContinue reading “Week 2: Marriage Trends; Divorce: Make marriage work “

Sharing Everything

How important is it to share everything?  Okay, not everything.  I don’t need to know when my husband made a left hand turn at the intersection of Main and Bolivar, but everything.  The important things.  Well, important is relative.  Relative to what though? I was struggling with a personal monster this weekend, and still am. Continue reading “Sharing Everything”

Moroni 6

Here in Moroni 6, Moroni is still writing to us telling us of the beginnings of the church on the American continent after Jesus Christ was resurrected.  We read previously that He set apart disciples and these disciples set apart elders,priests, and teachers.  Picking up from there, we learn that the elders, priests, and teachersContinue reading “Moroni 6”